Services We Manage
We work with you to develop customized solutions for your facility’s unique needs. Don’t see the services you need? Just ask! From floor to roof, interior to curb, we can help!
Janitorial services often cause the largest number of headaches for companies in terms of facilities maintenance. Poor service, slow response times, and unprofessional experiences are very common within the industry of commercial janitorial services.
Carpets and upholstery: Two of the most expensive surfaces in your business and also those that see the most wear and tear on an annual basis. Reinstallation and replacement costs can be expensive and impractical for your bottom line; however, too often managers forget how essential it is to maintain these items.
Are you planning construction at your establishment? Whether it is a large-scale project, like an entire renovation, or a smaller job that focuses on one area of your building, clean-up is an essential piece of the process.
Our competitive prices and expertise will save your company money and enable decision-making to become that much easier. We want to help reduce the amount of time and energy you might be wasting on janitorial supplies by taking this responsibility from your overloaded plate.
As a building owner or property manager, you’ve probably had to make some hard decisions lately about how to keep your facility and employees safe and clean. With recent viruses, it’s even more important that your facility is sanitized and properly cleaned.
The day-to-day wear and tear of a building can be a menace to facility operations. Worn-out door hinges, broken bathroom faucets, and sagging ceiling tiles are not only eyesores, they create an uncomfortable and even unsafe work environment for both employees and visitors. Unfortunately, as a building ages, this deterioration is not unexpected.
Take a look at your hard surface floors. Do they look dingy and worn out? Do you see scuffs or scratches in the walkways? Has it been a long time since your hard floors looked new? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to invest in commercial hard floor care services for your facility.
If your facility has a kitchen on-site, there are a lot of areas that probably need more than just a routine clean-up. The cleaning of your kitchen hoods, ovens, and other large equipment is necessary to keep your facility operating at its best. A good commercial kitchen cleaning service can make all the difference.
If the outside of your office looks unkempt or disheveled, it could send the wrong information about how you operate. Adding landscaping can help, but putting it in is one thing and maintaining it is quite another. City Wide can help you understand your commercial grounds maintenance needs and oversee the execution on a time-frame chosen by you.
Whether you realize it or not, passersby and potential customers begin evaluating the professionalism of your business before they even step foot on your property. In addition to looking over your signage and soaking in the overall condition of your building, they also assess the biggest piece of your property: the parking lot.
As potential clients, business associates and even prospective employees drive down the street or walk along the sidewalk, their first impression of your business comes from its exterior. A clean, well-maintained facade instills a feeling of confidence and shows that you take pride in your establishment.
There is a vast difference between residential and commercial roofing. The roof of a commercial building is comprised of a variety of materials that depend on a multitude of factors. The amount of labor required is much greater than that of a residential project.
As business owners prepare for winter, they are going to need ready access to commercial snow removal services. As soon as a winter storm is forecast, every business in the area is going to be requesting snow removal, but by then, it will be too late.
As a commercial property owner, your building’s upkeep and appearance are some of your top priorities. A property that falls into disrepair or consistently houses businesses that fail reflects poorly on you as an owner and can quickly diminish your property value. Prevent these outcomes by utilizing City Wide’s tenant finding and screening services.
Windows are the eyes of your business. What do yours say? Your windows give passerby clues about what is happening inside your building and offer insight as to the level of care that goes into your operations. After all, aesthetics can say a lot about a business. Clean windows illustrate clear attention to detail and show that you take pride in your appearance