City Wide Facility Solutions has set a lofty goal of becoming a billion-dollar company by 2026.

The Lenexa-based management company for commercial facility maintenance has grown to about 80 franchisees, about 10 of which were added in the past 18 months. In 2020, systemwide revenue was $390 million.

As part of its growth strategy, it plans to boost revenue through new territories and franchisees. It also hired John Martin as its first CFO, who brings a unique skill set and wants to help individual franchisees flourish.

Intertwined with City Wide’s revenue goal is a bigger purpose: having an even greater positive effect on the employees, franchisees and small business contractors with whom it works.

“How many people’s lives can we change?” CEO Jeff Oddo said.

By Leslie Collins | Story originally appeared on Kansas City Business Journal.  Excerpts have been pulled from the original article, to read the full story click here.