On October 14, City Wide partnered with Small Changes Big Shifts for the launch of a 31-Day Kindness Campaign ā€“ a virtual journey dedicated to tapping into the healing power of kindness, first within yourself and then spreading that kindness ripple out to others in our lives and communities. Throughout this campaign, those who chose to participate have been receiving daily emails containing small messages about kindness, and the power it can have for both the giver and receiver, as well as suggestions for simple acts of kindness they can choose to do that day.

At City Wide Facility Solutions, our mission is to always create a ripple effect by positively impacting the people and communities we serve. This 31-Day Kindness Campaign is just one way we are living up to that. Even though we wrapped up our partnership on November 13, World Kindness Day, we are determined to further spread the ripple.

As our Kindness Campaign comes to a close and in line with our values, we are excited to announce we are establishing a brand new not-for-profit charitable foundation – the City Wide Facility Solutions Foundation. With an initial investment of $3 million, the plan is for the foundation to begin directing funds in 2022 back into the lives and communities that City Wide Facility Solutions serves.

Look for more details about City Wide Facility Solutions Foundation, Inc. in the new year. Until then, please join us in continuing to spread the ripple, one simple act of kindness at a time.