Choosing the right partner to help with facility management can make all the difference in a commercial building. Facility managers want a partner who can save them time and provide solutions which will make their facility more efficient. Price is an important factor to consider when choosing a facility management partner, but it isnā€™t the only one. Building owners and FMs should choose a facility solutions manager (FSM) who will schedule quality services reliably; and who will perform inspections to ensure customer satisfaction with every job they schedule.

When you choose City Wide Facility Solutions, you get more than just a company who saves you money. City Wide adds value to your operation in a number of ways, including:

  • One point of contact
  • Vetted network of specialist vendors
  • Quality control

Your dedicated FSM will sit on the same side of the table as you and act as a true partner in the sourcing and scheduling of over 20 facility services City Wide will manage for you. 

One point of contact for over 20 facility services

Facility managers are in charge of multiple areas in a building, including janitorial, maintenance, landscaping, and infrastructure. Because of this, they often get overwhelmed with the amount of services and vendors they need to keep their operation running smoothly, their building clean, and their staff and tenants safe while at work. City Wide will take the pressure off of a FM by being a single point of contact for facility services in all areas of a commercial building. 

If you need to have your parking lot repaved, all you need to do is call your dedicated City Wide FSM. Also call your FSM if you need: 

  • Janitorial services
  • Exterior painting
  • Landscaping
  • Snow removal
  • HVAC inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Handyman services
  • Over 20 additional services!

Specialist vendors who are certified and vetted by City Wide

City Wide only hires specialist vendors to perform services at your facility. A major headache for FMs is having to constantly vet and hire vendors. City Wide takes care of this for you and more. We subject our vendors to annual reviews and recertification to ensure they are the best available service providers who will honor their SLA agreements and contracts. 

When you partner with City Wide, you also get the added benefit of access to our national network of suppliers who will save you money on your necessary supplies and prevent supply chain issues from affecting your operation. 

Consider the quality of service when choosing a facility management partner

Quality service will save you money in the long run because the job you expect is the job you receive. Not only will your dedicated FSM schedule quality vendors for your commercial building, they will also be on-site inspecting the job they perform to ensure satisfaction. 

Too often FMs find the level of service they receive from vendors is not what they were expecting. Sometimes, if the job was completed poorly, they need to schedule a different vendor to perform the service again. This is why City Wide vets all of our vendors and inspects their work. Your FSM will serve as a second set of eyes on service providers to ensure you are getting exactly the service you expect and deserve. 

Price is an important factor when choosing a facility management partner, but it is also important to consider the value a company like City Wide will add to your operation. We can assist with your janitorial services, landscaping, interior painting, as well as over 20 additional facility services. Contact us