Credit Card Payment

  • City Wide Facility Solutions is pleased to offer the ability to pay your bill online using a credit card, debit card, or P-card of your choice. We accept all major credit cards. To get started, click the “Pay Now” button below. You will be taken to a secure page to enter your card information and make your payment.

    Please note: To help cover the cost of processing payments, we add a small fee for credit and P-cards. This fee is not more than the cost of accepting these cards. There is no fee for debit cards.

    How to Pay With The Card of Your Choice:

    1. You’ll receive your regular City Wide invoice via email.
    2. Click the “Pay Now” button below.
    3. Enter your payment amount and hit the continue button.
    4. The next screen will have you enter your payment information. Please be sure to add your billing address, as well as your email address and phone number, so we can be sure to properly credit your account.
    5. Click submit payment.
    6. Print or save your electronic receipt for your records.

    Thank you for trusting City Wide Facility Solutions for all your janitorial and facility service needs.